Single Slab Specials

What are Orphan Slabs?

granite orphan slabs

Because granite is a natural stone, variation in color and pattern occurs naturally as a result of the conditions of its formation. When only one slab of granite remains in a particular color and pattern, these unique stones are referred to as granite orphans, since it is impossible to obtain more matching granite.

granite orphans
Kowalski backroom granite slabs

What We Have to Offer

We offer orphan granite slabs at reduced prices, and have our orphan slabs on display in our granite warehouse. Orphan granite slabs can be a good option for projects that require no more than one slab, such as a small kitchen or bathroom, and allow you to get a beautiful and unique stone for a great price.

We are stone artisans. Every stone slab is an open canvas for our skill and creativity.

kowalski backroom stone slabs
kowalski backroom granite orphans
kowalski backroom stone slabs
kowalski backroom stone slabs